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Psychological counselling for (young) adults (16+)

For whom.

Sometimes there are moments in life when you feel stuck, or you have been struggling with yourself for a long time and find that you cannot get out on your own. Psychotherapy may then be appropriate.

Examples of some of the help questions you can come to me for:

  • You feel stuck in life
  • You sometimes feel like it's all too much for you
  • You don't feel good about yourself but don't quite understand why
  • You are in a knot with yourself or others
  • You notice that certain patterns keep repeating themselves but you are not sure how to change them
  • You experience a lot of inner turmoil and fret a lot
  • You get stuck in your feelings: for example, you feel very much or very little
  • You have difficulty setting boundaries towards yourself or those around you


Other types of help requests may include emotional complaints such as depression and anxiety, coping (a death, job loss, relationship break-up, etc.), low self-esteem, life questions, difficulties making choices, relational difficulties and so on.

If you are not sure whether your concerns qualify, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We can discuss together what the appropriate help might be.

Psychologist young adults adults

This service is available in

Tervuren, Wezembeek-Oppem
1 session 70€
50 minutes

Approach of our therapists

Sophie Tromp (NL, ENG)

In psychotherapy, there are several currents. The four major currents are cognitive behavioural therapy, psychoanalysis and psychodynamic therapy, systemic therapy and client-centred psychotherapy. My approach is based on the client-centred psychotherapeutic framework, although I sometimes draw inspiration from techniques and concepts from other streams.

Client-centred therapy focuses on the client as a person: who are you as a person and how do you stand in life? In therapy, the therapist provides a safe context from which, taking into account the client's pace and personal limits, together we can explore how the client has become stuck in her/his life and what is needed to get blocked processes moving again. In this approach, there is a strong emphasis on inner experience and how emotions guide our thinking and actions. Together, we explore how to deal with your vulnerabilities and life's challenges so that you can handle them better even after therapy is over.

In therapy, you learn to know yourself better and to be in deeper contact with your feelings and needs so that you can make your own authentic choices. Important here is that the client is willing to adopt an inquisitive attitude towards himself and is willing to reflect on himself.

Instead of just focusing on complaints and symptoms, therapy also makes space for where possible growth and development opportunities lie. This is because I believe that in our vulnerability we also find our inner strength.

In my working method, I attach great importance to our working relationship and how the contact between us goes. I will therefore regularly sound out how you experience the therapy in order to adjust where necessary.

In the first conversation, we focus on your help request and living situation. Together, we try to come to an understanding of what is important for you to work on. In this exploratory conversation, expectations about the further process are also discussed and together we consider whether we want to enter into this process together.

In a later phase of therapy, we will go deeper into important themes in your life. To this end, we may sometimes deviate from the initial request for help.

Recognition number Psychologists' Committee: 902124531

Visa number: 283205

Tim Stroobandt (FR)

My approach is an integrative psychotherapy that takes into account the whole person, emotionally, behaviourally and cognitively. I work with the different levels of interaction: yourself, others and the world around us. I welcome everyone in a caring and open-minded way, without judgement, attitude or pre-formed point of view. Together, we will pool our resources and experience to develop the most appropriate and personalised approach for you. In this way, we will discover and harness the keys that will help you overcome the difficulties that stand in the way of your well-being.
I can help you with the following problems and requests:

- Control and its misuse
Sometimes our relationships as a couple, in the family, in society or at work can make us feel worse instead of better. You may find that you have no control over all the issues at play in the relationships you form around you, and the well-being and security that your life should provide slips away. Sometimes the event comes from outside, sometimes from within, but in either case, it is possible to work together to restore the lost balance, reconcile or, conversely, work towards separation for the good of all.

To help you out, you should know that there are certain things that come out of our relationships that you cannot do without:
- A sense of confusion and fog after your conversations;
- An irrational sense of guilt, with no clear understanding of why;
- Physical reactions to your conversations/conflicts;
- Unexplained sadness, feelings of depression, low self-esteem;
- A sense of despair that nothing can improve the situation;

- Psychotrauma and victimology
Psychotraumatic disorders occur after a potentially traumatic event that somehow brings you face to face with the reality of death.
You have difficulty communicating about traumatic events.
You are overwhelmed by feelings or emotions that prevent you from feeling free.
You feel threatened and fear for your life.
You are hypervigilant and find it hard to calm down.
You have intrusive nightmares, images or memories.
You feel hostage to your emotions.
- Clinical disorders
When the first symptoms appear and you fear they may become invasive or disabling, we can work together to resolve them.
Phobias, depression, anxiety, panic, relationship problems, burnout, stress management, emotional or behavioural disorders, complicated grief processes, neurotic and psychotic disorders, etc.

Rosangelica Arraiz (ENG, ES, IT)

I'm a cognitive-behavioural psychologist, and from this approach the interaction between the person and the context is the framework in which the learning process takes place. Sometimes life becomes harder than we expected, and it turns out to be difficult to face its demands because we may not have all the tools and strategies to cope with. Accepting our limitations and asking for professional help is totally fine, since we all have vulnerabilities.

We have learned how to behave, which means that we can learn new and more functional approaches to cope with our difficulties in life. Since what we have learned is the result of a complex learning process, to make our life work in a different way, we must be open to make important changes and be patient with our own process. During our therapeutic journey we will delve into the reasons why our behaviours are maintained, we will analyse how they impact us, and we will learn new ways to manage those elements that stops us from having a functional life.

I'm a clinical psychologist passionate about human behaviour and well-being. I specialize in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit disorder (ADD), but I also have a strong interest in anxiety, stress management and health psychology, such as the impact of chronic diseases on mental health. I enjoy observing what a person can achieve during and after the therapeutic process, and it will be an honour for me to be able to help you and to go together through this journey of self-discovering and transformation.

Commission of Psychologists of Belgium: 942334203
Visa FPS Belgium: 381258

Sophie Hoornaert (NL, FR)

Originally trained in psychoanalysis earlier (ULB), I obtained a master after master in integrative psychotherapy at UCLouvain in June 2024. With great interest, I now continue that training by focusing on obtaining the certificate that offers more depth in empirically based interventions and assessments.
My starting point is to approach psychological counselling as a true collaboration. You are the expert of your own life, thoughts, feelings, strengths and vulnerabilities. I bring both my theoretical knowledge and life experience, so that together we can discover new perspectives, unravel your story and gain a deeper understanding
get an insight into why you have sought help. Once we have this understanding, we will explore together which interventions are best suited to your situation and how to apply them. It is very important for me to receive you in a safe environment, a
place where you can be yourself and where you can count on my empathy, authenticity and unconditional acceptance.
Do you feel overwhelmed by the pressure of perfectionism? Are you struggling to accept yourself and find your self-worth? Or do you feel exhausted and burned out by the demands of everyday life? Whether you struggle with self-criticism, fear of failure or simply a sense of imbalance in your life, together we will explore the root causes of your challenges
and look for strategies to bring more peace and well-being into your life.

Psychologists' Committee : 732239571
Visa number : 355846

Our psychologists

Sophie Hoornaert

Clinical psychologist (young) adults


Rosangelica Arraiz

Clinical psychologist


Tim Stroobandt

Clinical psychologist


Sophie Tromp - Wednesday and Thursday - NL& ENG - HC Tervuren

Tim Stroobandt - Thursday - FR - HC Tervuren

Rosangelica Arraiz - Monday and Tuesday - ENG, ESP, ITA - HC Tervuren

Sophie Hoornaert - Tuesday - Fr & NL - HC Wezembeek - Oppem

Sophie Tromp - Wednesday and Thursday - NL& ENG - HC Tervuren

Tim Stroobandt - Thursday - FR - HC Tervuren

Rosangelica Arraiz - Monday and Tuesday - ENG, ESP, ITA - HC Tervuren

Sophie Hoornaert - Tuesday - Fr & NL - HC Wezembeek - Oppem

Make an appointment

Form Psychologists (young)Adults

"*" indicates required fields

Applicant name*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Your preference of therapist/e and/or language*
Within the Healthcube team, we sit with different psychologists for (young) adults who each have their own approach and also work in their preferred languages. Find out which approach you prefer at Note which day(s) this psychologist is present and at which location. Sophie Hoornaert, for example, works in the new Healthcube location in Wezembeek - Oppem. The others are all available in Tervuren.
How will you be contacted by preference?*
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.